Convector Radiators: A Buyer's Guide

Convector Radiators: A Buyer's Guide

Convector radiators are a popular and effective heating system that uses convection to circulate warm air around a room. These radiators are designed to heat up quickly and distribute warmth evenly throughout a space, making them an excellent choice for homes and businesses of all sizes. In this buyer's guide, ShowerstoYou looks more closely at convector radiators, exploring how they work, their benefits, and some key things to consider when choosing a convector radiator for your home or office.

What is a Convector Radiator?

Convector radiators are heating system that uses convection to distribute warm air evenly throughout a room. These radiators are designed with metal fins or panels heated by hot water from a central heating system, which heats the surrounding air. As the air around the radiator heats up, it rises and is replaced by cooler air, creating a convection current that circulates warm air around the room. This makes convector radiators an efficient and effective way of heating an ample space, as the warm air is evenly distributed throughout the room.

Because they use convection to distribute warm air, they don't need to be as large or powerful as other radiators, meaning they consume less energy and can save you money on your heating bills. They are also straightforward to maintain and install, making them a popular choice for homeowners and businesses.

For a full breakdown of bathroom radiators, check out our buyer's guide for further information.

Convector Radiators v Standard Radiators: What's the Difference?

Several factors must be considered when choosing between convector radiators and standard radiators. Here are some key differences between the two types of heating systems:

Heat Distribution: Convector radiators use convection to distribute heat evenly throughout a room, while standard radiators use radiation. This means convector radiators can heat a room more quickly and efficiently than traditional radiators.

Size and Design: Convector radiators are often slimmer and more streamlined than radiators, making them a good choice for smaller spaces or rooms with limited wall space. Radiators may be bulkier and less aesthetically pleasing, but they can be more powerful and suitable for larger areas.

Energy Efficiency: Convector radiators are generally more energy-efficient than regular radiators, as a thermostat or timer can control them to ensure they only run when needed. This can save you money on your energy bills in the long run.

Installation: Convector radiators are typically easier to install than regular radiators, as they require less plumbing work and can be mounted directly onto the wall. Radiators may need more extensive installation work, which can be more time-consuming and costly.

Cost: Convector and typical radiators vary widely depending on the brand, size, and material. In general, convector radiators are less expensive than standard radiators, but this may only sometimes be the case, depending on your specific needs and preferences.

Overall, both convector and standard radiators have advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice will depend on your circumstances. A convector radiator may be your best option if you're looking for an efficient, easy-to-install, and aesthetically pleasing heating system. On the other hand, if you need a more powerful heating system for ample space, a standard radiator may be the better choice.

We have produced a comprehensive guide on How to Cut the Cost of Gas in your Bathroom to reduce energy bills.

What are the different types of Convector Radiators?

When shopping for a convector radiator, you may come across terms like Type 11, Type 21, and Type 22. These terms refer to the number and configuration of the panels on the radiator and can significantly impact the radiator's performance and efficiency.

Type 11 Radiators (also known as Single Panel Convector Radiators) are the most basic type of convector radiator and consist of a single panel with a single set of fins. They are typically the least expensive option and ideal for smaller rooms or spaces with low heating requirements.

Kartell Type 11 Radiators

Type 21 Radiators (Double Panel Plus Convector Radiators) are slightly more advanced, featuring two panels and two sets of fins. This extra panel helps to increase the radiator's surface area, allowing it to distribute heat more evenly and effectively. Type 21 radiators are best suited for medium-sized rooms or spaces that require more heating power than a Type 11 radiator can provide.

Type 22 Radiators (Double Panel Convector Radiators) are the most advanced and efficient type of convector radiator available. They feature two panels, two sets of fins, and a second set of water pipes running through the radiator. This additional pipework set allows for even greater heat distribution, making Type 22 radiators ideal for larger rooms or spaces requiring much heating power.

When choosing between these types of convector radiators, it is crucial to consider the size and heating requirements of the space you wish to heat. A Type 11 radiator may be sufficient for a small bathroom, while a larger living room or bedroom may require a more powerful Type 21 or Type 22 radiator.

In addition to the number and configuration of the panels, you'll also want to consider the material and finish of the radiator, as well as additional features like thermostats and timers. With the correct convector radiator, you can enjoy efficient and effective heating throughout your home or business. Check out the Kartell Radiator Collection for Type 11, 21 and 22 radiator designs.

What else do I need to consider when buying a Convector Radiator?

As with most radiators, it is highly recommended to check if radiator valves are included and the BTU required for the room. Need help with how to check your BTU at home? Use our handy guide for a full breakdown of correctly calculating the BTU required for your home.

Do Convector Radiators operate on all heating systems?

Convector radiators are designed to work with most heating systems, including central heating systems, electric heating systems and renewable energy systems such as heat pumps.

In a central heating system, hot water is pumped from a boiler or other heat source through the convector radiator, which heats the surrounding air through convection. This warm air then circulates the room, heating efficiently and effectively.

Electric convector radiators, on the other hand, use electricity to heat the metal fins or panels within the radiator. This, in turn, heats the surrounding air, which is then circulated in the room by convection. Electric convector radiators can be used as standalone units or as part of a more extensive electric heating system.

In renewable energy systems such as heat pumps, convector radiators can work with the heat pump to provide efficient and eco-friendly heating. The heat pump uses renewable energy sources such as the air, ground or water to generate heat, which is then distributed throughout the building using the convector radiators.

So, whether you have a central heating system, electric heating or renewable energy system, you can use convector radiators to provide efficient and effective heating throughout your home or business. However, it's essential to ensure that your heating system is compatible with the specific convector radiator you choose and that the radiator's size and output suit your space's size and heating requirements.

Why should I buy a Convector Radiator from ShowerstoYou?

For over 40 years, ShowerstoYou has supplied all things heating, including convector radiators, heated towel rails and electric heaters. Whatever your budget, preference or style, our team of experts provides customers with knowledge and recommendations. Contact us today by e-mail (, phone (01472 242159) or our contact form.